
Stay in the loop with us at QUICKBLOCK. Here we will share our news and share interesting stories that we love here at QUICKBLOCK!

event furniture

A QUICK guide to Christmas market stalls

‘Tis the season and we’re getting rather excited for the upcoming festivities here at QUICKBLOCK HQ. There’s nothing more festive than popping along to Christmassy pop-up events or a Christmas market, filling your face with mulled wine or something smothered in sugar and stocking up on unique Christmas
avian flu

Our good practice tips for Avian Influenza

One of the biggest fears of working with poultry is the threat of avian flu. Detection of the infection in your animal pens can cause widespread mortality and will trigger a mass cull followed by strict cleaning and disinfection processes.
animal pens

Well-sheltered animal pens this Winter

If you work outdoors or in the agricultural sectors, you’ll already be feeling the slightly colder weather of the Autumnal seasons kicking in and before you know it, Winter will have arrived. Here at QUICKBLOCK, we understand the importance of keeping your live stock well protected from the

Pop-up events inspiration from QUICKBLOCK

Pop-up events planning is a serious business, not least because of the growing trend but they’re also suitable for businesses of all sizes and budgets. The very nature of them being temporary offers huge ROI opportunities for both small businesses and larger companies with deeper pockets.